# Django Settings SECRET_KEY= DEBUG=False # e.g.: ALLOWED_HOSTS=localhost,,domain.tld ALLOWED_HOSTS= # PostgreSQL Database DB_USER= DB_PASSWORD= DB_HOST= DB_PORT= DB_NAME= # Object Storage S3_ACCESS_ID= S3_ACCESS_SECRET= S3_BUCKET_NAME= S3_ENDPOINT_URL= S3_ROOT_USER= S3_ROOT_PASSWORD= # Celery Message Broker # e.g.: redis:// MSG_BROKER_URL= MSG_BROKER_PREFIX= # Celery task work directory to store temporary files # use ./worker folder as absolute path: /home/app/worker TASK_WORKER_DIR= TASK_DEFAULT_QUEUE= # Channels Layers Backend (Websocket) # HOST and PORT of the Redis Backend WS_BACKEND_HOST= WS_BACKEND_PORT= WS_BACKEND_PREFIX=